Friday, September 12, 2014

भिन्डीको अचार

Sometimes, we get bored of having same pickles (Achaar) every morning and evening, especially when its tomato & timoor. So, to change the taste of your tongue, here is a simple recipe of 'Bhindi ko Achaar'. Try this at your kitchen, you will love it as I do :)


Ladies Finger
Black Teel
Dhaniya leaves



Youth power

Last month we celebrated International Youth Day. The potentiality of youths and their contribution to national development hasn’t got the attention it deserves. It’s much necessary to enable youths to be active to fulfill their responsibilities. For that, it’s necessary to discuss the challenged faced by youths. 

The definition of youth may differ in different parts of the world. But generally, the population on the age group 15-30 is considered as youth, some claim it till 40 as well. Referring to the data of 2011, 28 percent of total population of Nepal comprises youths. This number has certainly risen now, with half of the youth covered by girls. 

Youths have high energy and potentiality. They have the zeal to challenge any obstacle and to rule the world. With the support of youths, any nation can attain a greater height in development and prosperity. So, it’s quite necessary to utilize their potentiality in right place. But in Nepal they are not even regarded as a crucial component for the development. Nepali youths are capable enough to join hands for national development, but their energy and potentiality are disregarded and being wasted in different unnecessary stuffs. Moreover, many youths affiliated with different political organizations and parties are busy in fulfilling vested interests of parties and leaders.